to be reached. Possibly human nature is flawed… deeply devious. Perhaps power, money, disdain, contempt, corruption are synonymous . Clearly this rot, this oppression, now so significantly opened up almost for anyone who is prepared, interested enough in their own well being to see ,even think, could conceivably lead to a revolution of another dimension.
Sunday, June 15, 2008….11:28. .
Cleaning, bodging, cheap (cost nothing) repairs.. keeps me occupied, hardly my incessant thoughts, always about “Life” “Women”, how the whole political / social structure is the greatest charade on Planet Earth, men and women programmed to pursue each other. Women also further endowed with every trick to ensure “it happens”, aided relentlessly with political/legal force if necessary. For what..? simply the procreation process to endlessly repeat itself.? (or) ,
for the economic power of a incessant supply of cheap labour. Regardless?
Unfortunately for the fumbling education system, 21st cent Western women have been just sufficiently educated to see through this fast fading fabric. They are not interested in economics, other than their own, they realize, children are hardly a financial proposition, besides the chronic inconvenience and negative return on such an investment.
Reluctantly, they conceive fewer offspring, if any, at a later age which has caused Europe to freely open it’s borders to anyone young enough to procreate, hoping, with incentives, they will be willing to do so. A desperate scramble for “people”. If they already have children so much more consideration is given generously by way of money, housing. The fact that the host country has also embarked on “cultural and political suicide” as a consequence of this policy is of no concern. The rich, beneficiaries of this process, live in their own guarded enclaves or abroad, what happens in the common streets is not of their interest, unless, as on various, unguarded occasions, they themselves become victims, murdered, robbed, raped , intelligent enough to see they are simply victims of their own greed, however, they are the loudest screamers. A vicious circle. The “Human Race” is fast sinking into the deep mire, there is “Nothing” nothing of consideration other than the pursuit of money. “Care” “Culture” of any kind has disintegrated in the hectic, frenetic scramble for fame and wealth… the deafening clamor.
“ I want three or four children,” reveals Wayne as he and Coleen start planning a family.
Last updated at 1:43 PM on 16th June 2008 By Daily Mail Reporter.
Mr. & Mrs. Rooney flash their his-and-hers rings worth an estimated £250,000 as they head out from their lavish wedding to an Italian airport. (Both these young people come from the backwaters of nowhere, now “catapulted” into the forefront , the spotlight, as a “incentive?” hardly, more, a further insult? What ?.... to the “Working masses…”)
All Governments heavily push this conception of monetary gain, fame and procreation, to accelerate it. The Daily Mail is clearly pressurized to each day carry a front page column of “famous” female personalities ? who have conceived, who are about to conceive, or wish to conceive. Unfortunately, again, the 21st century young woman is mostly disinterested, having only interest in herself, her “disco’s,” her clothes, an independence from the wearying payment of bills, Independent as to her perception of children, her freedom of choice.
Work being a social occasion, all offset by living with parents or a obliging boyfriend who is impervious to “families” .. A deep disruption which will never return to what was “acceptable”
Each government failing to see this dramatic trend… “itself”, more covertly entwined in personal acquisitions, using their unquestionable power remorselessly to silence all opposition to their posturing, greed, incompetence, above all, corruption at every level… in the highest echelons.
There are people who still know no different than the old values, but they quickly deteriorate after absorbing the ultimate weapon of “Television”, its total emphasis on money and “success” the realization of money.. it’s magical ability to be “a release from the drudgery of work” This last, not realized by Governments who pull the puppet strings behind the scenes.
Work / labour, evidently only for immigrants, who initially hold the old conceptions…. But they are crushed by the abuse, seeing their only escape is via money, achieved in any way and by any means.. any. Mostly, their options are relegated to crime, drugs, people trafficking, prostitution, or in extreme cases of frustration, or perhaps having other objectives, resort to exploding bombs indiscriminately in the public arena.
Then, there have been suggestions that many of these “incidents” have been orchestrated by those in politically high places to deflect emphasis off theirselves. The unaccountable, sudden, erratic movements of the stock market a few days before 9/11. Someone must have known something. The protracted, tedious American pilots wage and pension negotiations abruptly ended. All airports were instantly locked down on that day. Pilots, ancillaries and any other detractors were ignominiously thrown out onto the hard pavements.
Another twisted, segment of satisfaction for Nergal, beyond any “ordinary” persons comprehension.
Immigrants quickly become entrepreneurs, specialists in every aspect of crime, other than those quite willing to work for a pittance, in the process depressing wages overall, another piece for the kaleidoscope of immigration and population the process of deterioration accelerated, compounded, almost beyond the control of the “host” country, causing tension, resentment and chaos, beside the deep factor of crushing people together in ever diminishing space.
Looking at the record of all Western Governments, this is part of their deliberate policy of “control” , calling any dissention in the slightest direction, “Terrorism”, (with a capital “T”) a excuse to impose the most draconian laws on the individual since the Middle Ages.
The masses too compressed, stressed, too intimidated, too immersed in the moment by moment struggle for survival, unable to see, care or dare raise a voice of resentment about the ever rising tide of strange people from foreign lands and the vast amounts of money each individual on the “inside” is extracting, quite blatantly, illegally and with complete contempt, from those out side the Citadels of Power….
Which is precisely the way they meant it to be.
“ ‘Nero fiddled while Rome burnt’... he had his reasons.
The masses inexorably, watch football, watch Coronation Street, watch, mesmerized, while this rock, this Realm, this earth, this Eden, this Majesty, this seat of Mars, this green and pleasant land, this England, falls, topples, slides, beneath the excrement of the World’s unwanted.”
(Peter Ridgley – Echoes from
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