Went VamaVeche on 8th July in tent which was swiftly swept away by the fiercest lightning storm I can recall, plus torrential rain’
In that comparatively short period a made some quite quick decisions.
First, it was the end of my tenting days.
Second, more profound , more in keeping with my endless surveillance of the creatures which crawl on this Planet, reinforcing all my firm convictions of existence, the sheer “terror” of reality.. the trap.. slavery.. imprisonment of all that which is presented as life.. in another guise. Women, children, love, marriage.. ”happiness” Nothing , no bigger deviation from the truth than that. Governments attempting to alleviate the pain, by “make believe” terror.. global warming.. football, a plethora of mass detraction, any means, cost, to prevent the realization surfacing. But, with instant communication suddenly available of all thoughts, no matter how puerile, a 21st century phenomenon no Government can yet control. The masses, now stirring, able to see the extent of control they are subject too. George Orwell’s theme on the subject, simply a shadow of “what is”. Tony Blair’s 10 years reign of terror unsurpassed in English history, as was his unique weapon of ”mass immigration”, which he used relentlessly to subject the population into cowering fear, afraid to open their mouths in any form of remonstration. All levels of society were exposed to this creatures determination of “control”. Blair and his henchmen formed a web comparable to both Hitler and Stalin . The three had a fixation about the individual and individuality.. it was to be eradicated by every and any means. Blair’s methods did not require concentration camps.. torture.. the crude aspects of totalitarianism. England itself has become a concentration camp, Immigrants quickly, willingly demolishing all the inherent structures of English society to the lowest possible price, the price of “existence…”
There was a twist to Tony and Cherie Blair’s “vision” She, the brains, saw what was coming, had to come, precisely, telling him to simply pack his bags, get the accumulated loot and quietly “leave”. No flags , no fanfare, no goodbye’s. A faint waive to a few “friends” very few. The country remaining in the hands of a unelected Roman Catholic, Scotch, thick head, oblivious, in his ambitious haste, to see he had been left holding the can. He huffed and he puffed frenetically his bleary way into extinction. A simple end for a simple man.
Tony Blair, enigmatic, impervious, flamboyant on the yachts and islands of the rich and oblivious, wakes, hot in the night, a kaleidoscope of thoughts…. a certain Dr Kelly…(post mortem to be kept secret for 70 years). The distractive war, ghosts of women, children and men dead in Afghanistan… the wreckage of England by his hand, strewn with the World’s Unwanted. The price still to be paid.
Blair paid them and is still paying them too come, such is his impetus. As with other men in history, he knows his destiny will have a harsh ending. Little good for him to turn to his “inner thoughts”.
Shakespeare would have demanded not only a pound of his flesh,
…………..but also the blood that went with it.
Sailor Boys
Bullingdon Boys - Our "Betters"
The Bullingdon Club of 1992: pictured are (1) George Osborne, (2) Harry Mount, (3) Chris Coleridge, (4) Lupus von Maltzahn, (5) Mark Petre (6) Peter Holmes a Court, (7) Nat Rothschild, (8) Jason Gissing
Principal characters: Crooked MPs, politicians... too many to count.
No MP has ever been prosecuted for embezzelment... or ever will...
London .A city without identity.A lost labyrinth of chaos, crime , corruption and indecision, the compressed population subjected to the most draconian laws since the Middle ages each myriad face surveyed constantly by 21 st century technology…Fear, apprehension and cameras stalk the streets …….the muttering retreats
The unacceptable face of aristocracy - he looks like a beggar down Obor Market
A former guardian of the public purse claimed six years’ expenses for a house he gave away
From The Sunday Times August 9, 2009
Insight: Claire Newell, Jonathan Calvert, Solvej Krause
THE former chairman of a parliamentary financial watchdog has claimed more than £130,000 in expenses from the House of Lords by designating as his “main home” a house he gave to his son six years ago. Lord Sheldon, who chaired the public accounts committee for 14 years, lives with his wife in London but said his main residence was his former family home in Manchester.
Decrepit, disdainful, decomposing, dishonest, diseased...corrupt... the English aristocracy, "our betters"since 400AD, 1600 years of subjection to these arrogent creatures.
With the imminent advent of "King Vaz the First" minarets on Buckingham Palace, vast black masses thronging the Mall, ever chanting his name... there will be another 1600 years of subjection ... in another form.
A Triumph for Islam.
Time ... time gentlemen, please HURRY UP PLEASE IT'S TIME Well, that Sunday Albert was home, they had a hot gammon, And they asked me in to dinner, to get the beauty of it hot— HURRY UP PLEASE IT'S TIME HURRY UP PLEASE IT'S TIME Goonight Bill. Goonight Lou. Goonight May. Goonight. Ta ta. Goonight. Goonight. Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night.
By Daniel Martin Last updated at 1:08 AM on 06th August 2009
Ony 20 grand? A long way to go to catch Piggy Martin whose legal expenses for libel were 700,000 pounds. His total cost to the taxpayer can be reckoned in many millions. He was about a pound short behing Tony Blair and his acerbic wife.
David Cameron would prefer that the picture did not exist. Boris Johnson, too, in his now more sober guise of Mayor of London, probably wishes it was never taken. Together with a number of other young men with their eyes set on glittering prizes, they pose swaggeringly in the blue tailcoats and mustard-coloured waistcoats of Oxford University's notorious Bullingdon Club.
Each one of these posturing creatures would aspire to become a Hitler, power being the key word. Hitler, Goebbles, Goering, Hess, Himmler had unopposed power which they became victims of, turning to paganism, the occult, giving the masses "something"... a feeling of belonging which is at the other end of the spectrum of England today.
Mr Djaonogly, who is worth around £8 million, has already been forced to pay £25,000 – the most of any Tory – after claiming for vast sums of public cash for gardening and cleaning. He has also been forced to deny breaching Commons rules by claiming for childcare after it emerged that he paid £13,000 to a foreign student who had advertised herself as a nanny. The Polish girl was paid for cleaning work on his constituency house but she also lives with the MP, his wife Rebecca and their two children in London. The large town house in Maida Vale is owned by a trust set up by Mr Djanongly’s parents Sir Harry and Carole Djanogly and is mortgage free. The textile magnate is worth around £300 million. Family trusts are usually established to minimise the cost of inheritance taxes when the property is passed on.
1. Newlands farmhouse bought with bulk of estate by Clive Betts from Agnes Simm on May 20 1999 for £250,000, just below Gordon Brown's new increased stamp duty threshold 2. The Cottages bought by the former Sheffield Labour planning chairman Mike Buckley and his wife for £100,000 on May 24 1999 in a move co-ordinated by their friend Mr Betts 3. The Coach House sold by Mr Betts to another couple for £110,000 in September 1999
by Dominic Kennedy and Rebecca O’Connor , Times Online
The public could be allowed to boot out their MP in the wake of the expenses scandal, Justice Secretary Jack Straw signalled today.
by Paul Waugh
Straw should be the first to go. After Blair, he still remains the inscrutable iron fist of Political correctness and the Police state .. He, the last of the original instigators of the deliberate demise of England.
Family of Winston Churchill slams BNP over far-right party's attempt to hijack wartime leader's legacy By Tim Shipman The BNP chief uses the broadcast to argue that modern Britain, with its record of welcoming immigrants, has betrayed the ‘the blood, sweat, toil and tears’ of those who fought for freedom in the Second World War.
The street creatures are quite aware of this truth. Immigration.i.e. the importation of cheap labour, via the so called European Union which is simply a mechanism for enabling a free flow of very cheap labour, mostly from the Worlds"s unwanted. The trick being, anyone who disagrees, is immediately pounced on as racist..The thing responsible for this ingenious move was Blair.. his legacy .... His rake off from big business from this aspect alone is counted in millions. He left because he saw the rise of the far right, Cheri , not liking the the thought of what may happen to them personally, told her old man to pack his bags , both quietly leaving..with the money and leaving England on a precipice.
Mr Griffin was also accused of ‘sickening hypocrisy’ after it emerged that he once praised the 'limitless courage and sacrifice', of Hitler’s SS, and described the RAF’s bombing of Dresden as 'mass murder'.
This also is perfectly true. The Fire bombing was unnecessary as the war was over. Everyone knew that. But the man, who's name I have forgotten , in charge of the RAF, sat at his desk with thousands of bombers fully loaded and crewed with no where to go,He had another drink, looked out at the brilliant moonlight... Bung Ho!! we will go for Dresden , a most beautiful city. "Jolly good show chaps "
Nicolas Soames will have to accept reality and truth. Churchill writhing in his grave at "Multicultural, Islamic, corrupt England" The present situation brought on by people precisely as himself, closing their eyes, but taking the money , in the form of duck ponds and moats dug and cleaned by Afghans, claimed from the public purse, paid them bollocks anyway, pocketed the rest. That has been the "Monstrous thing"
Would not mind betting Jon Cruddas, the Labour MP for Dagenham, "where the BNP hope to make gains" is either a Muslim or a Roman Catholic.
The £6.2m bill: Scandal of how MPs are taking taxpayers for a ride with extortionate travel expenses By Ian Drury They received £1.9million in petrol money alone in 2007-08, as well as £2.2million on train tickets and nearly £900,000 on air fares. On top of this they claimed nearly £500,000 of public money for spouses and children's travel.
Alistair Darling one of nine cabinet ministers who claimed for filling in personal tax returns By Tim Shipman Nine Cabinet ministers, including the Chancellor of the Exchequer, have used taxpayers’ money to pay for an accountant to fill in their personal tax returns, it has been revealed. The behaviour of Alistair Darling and other senior ministers has been branded ‘scandalous’ since ordinary taxpayers are not allowed to claim the cost of an accountant as a legitimate business expense. In total more than £11,000 of public money has been splurged on accountancy advice for Gordon Brown’s top team. Embattled ministers Jacqui
MPs' Expenses: Calls for Julie Kirkbride to follow husband Andrew MacKay and stand down By Tim Shipman David Cameron said the MP for Bromsgrove has a case to answer after it emerged that she has let her brother live rent-free in her taxpayer-funded 'second home' for the last five years.
MPs' Expenses: Cabinet ministers spend £2.5m running constituency offices By Ian Drury and Tim Shipman
Expenses and a bishop woefully out of touch By Daily Mail Comment Now, as if all this disingenuous bleating from inside Westminster were not bad enough, recalcitrant MPs have found a spiritual supporter in the Archbishop of Canterbury. Instead of reminding 'Honourable' Members that theft is in clear breach of the eighth Commandment, Dr Williams sympathizes with them and demands an end to the 'systematic humiliation' of mainstream politicians, which he fears could undermine democracy and play into the hands of unpleasant fringe parties like the BNP. Like it or not ...Nick will emerge as another Hitler ..there is little alternative... The rot in Westminster is ripe for the knife. Unfortunate many 'innocents" will be dragged down, but this is war.
As said.. we do not wish to be told by black bishops and archbishops who are spiritually "on the make" getting their back handers with the added sheer effrontery to extol Islam, with Sharia law thrown in "
This is not a scandal - it's a revolution... William Rees-Mogg"
Listen to us, Blair allies warn Brown (And the sisterhood is turning on him as well) By Tim Shipman Blair and the acerbic Cherie were the beginning of this chaos , clever enough to walk away with their millions at precisely the right moment on history, leaving a Roman Catholic scotch idiot holding the can, he in his arrogance, rather than call a immediate election tried to bluff it out, the consequences being catastrophic for England, all the excrement coming to the surface.. Coronation street, football forgotten , revenge, blood, is the name of this game.. something, someone said about rivers of blood??
Nick Griffin tells bishops to 'grow up' after they say 'don't vote BNP' By Matthew HickleyLast updated at 9:16 AM on 25th May 2009
Head to the polls on June 4 but don't vote for the BNP, pleads Archbishop By Jonathan Petre We do not need a black man and a weirdo to tell us what too do . The archbishop should to stick to the Muslims and Sharia law which he loves so much.. besides counting his money from ripping off people with the religion racket......... Blessed are the poor.....
'This conversation may have cost me £160,000'... First MP to claim £1m admits he failed to pay capital gains tax on two homes By Simon Walters
Eric Joyce admitted he had claimed more than £120,000 from his second-home allowance on a house in London where he lived for eight years with his wife and children. He also agreed he may have blundered by not paying £40,000 in capital gains tax when the property was sold for a £130,000 profit.
I can hardly believe the number of thieves, liars and tax fiddlers still in post. We must clear up this mess By Ann Widdecombe
Cameron orders 'thieving toad' aide to resign... and pressure mounts for Andrew MacKay's MP wife to quit too By Glen Owen Last updated at 10:11 PM on 23rd May 2009
Ex-South Korean president in bribes probe leaps to his death By Mail Foreign Service Last updated at 1:23 AM on 24th May 2009
May be a few of those thieves who have infiltrated Whitehall will do likewise..somehow, hardly feel they will put themselves to such a inconvenience
Opik finds a cheeky little earner
The Mid-Wales MP, already under fire for claiming £40 for the cost of a summons for non-payment of council tax, insisted that by taking a tenant he had SAVED taxpayers cash. Yet he claimed more than £14,000 a year in second home allowance for four years - demanding a total of £68,031. Opik, best known for his stormy relationship with Cheeky Girls . Paid for by you know who.
Double dipping MPs in another dodgy deal THE husband and wife Tory MPs who have been "double-dipping" expenses so the taxpayer funds BOTH their homes were last night caught up in a new scandal. Julie Kirkbride and Andrew Mackay are letting her brother live rent-free in their mansion flat that WE pay for, the News of the World can reveal.
Tory rakes in a right shed-load TORY MP Peter Atkinson claimed for a garden shed on his expenses -then had the cheek to charge for the TOOLS to build it as well.
A LABOUR MP claimed a massive £169 for a TOASTER as part of the taxpayer-funded £15,000 refurbishment of his two- bedroom second home.
Yet Roger Berry- whose Kingswood constituency is in one of the least prosperous areas of Bristol-could have picked one up from Tesco for a budget £4.47.
I'm silly ducker THE Tory MP who claimed £1,645 for a floating duck island for his pond yesterday said he felt "ashamed and humiliated". Sir Peter Viggers described his decision to include the feature in his taxpayer-funded second home expenses as a "ridiculous and grave error of judgment." And the MP-who claimed £30,000 towards gardening costs including £500 for manure-said the ducks had never liked the island anyway. Pity Stalin is not about,
Meanwhile, Labour MP Howard Stoate, who claimed £17,883 for his one-bed London flat, yesterday said he would now be giving up his second home allowance. But Mr Stoate, whose constituency is close to London in Dartford, Kent, will continue his lucrative second job working as a GP.
Everything in the Corridors of power, more so those in the vast halls of the EU is "Lucrative".. Mafia style.
By James Chapman Last updated at 7:02 AM on 15th May 2009
Parliament suffered its blackest day in memory yesterday. The Commons expenses scandal claimed a Labour and a Tory scalp - and two Labour peers faced the shame of being the first members of the Lords to be suspended since the dark days of the English Civil War. Parliament has become the least popular institution in the land and is now less well-regarded by voters than the European Union according to a shocking poll for the PoliticsHome website. Until yesterday Labour, Tory and Liberal Democrat MPs accused of having made dubious claims had simply written out cheques, with £129,000 in refunds to the taxpayer pledged to date. But now some are beginning to pay with their jobs
By Daily Mail Reporter Last updated at 3:23 PM on 15th May 2009
A millionaire Tory MP who owns 24 homes claimed more than £100,000 in expenses even though he does not have a mortgage. Taxpayers' cash was mainly used for gardening and redecoration. James Clappison, a work and pensions spokesman, bought petunias, geraniums and busy lizzies with public funds for his £375,000 semi in St Albans. The MP for Hertsmere rents out 22 properties in North Humberside where he also owns a cricket pitch and 27 acres of land inherited from his father. Since 2001, Mr Clappison has claimed a total of £102,241 in second homes allowances, including claims for maintenance, groceries, utility bills, a cleaner and a TV licence. Between 2004 and 2005 he claimed £628 for gardening. He also claimed £20 for a kitchen blender in July 2004. From 2005 to 2006 he claimed £578 for a washing machine and £719 for a new bed. Between 2006 and 2007, he he claimed £892 on renovations and window cleaning. The work included a new lavatory seat and £297 for a video recorder. The following year, he claimed £3,541 for roof repairs and £1,990 for redecoration. He also claimed £686 for gardening and £298 for television and DVD player. Mr Clappison told the Daily Telegraph that all his claims were in order except for £38.50 for bedding plants which was immediately repaid. 'This was an honest mistake on my part,' he said.
By Michael Lea Last updated at 11:28 PM on 15th May 2009
A minister was humiliatingly suspended by Gordon Brown yesterday minutes after defying public anger over MPs' expenses to insist that he was 'as straight as they come'. Shahid Malik became the biggest scalp claimed so far by the scandal engulfing MPs. The Justice Minister had embarked on a series of bullish TV interviews claiming that allegations against him were a 'non-story' and predicting that he would keep his job. In the extraordinary performances, which at times bordered on the hysterical, he defended claiming £2,600 for a home cinema system and £730 for a massage chair.
Fortunately, he did not have time to implement the Sharia Law, with help from his mates at the BBC, or they might have chopped his right hand off.
One of David Cameron's closest aides is to be forced to repay up to £141,000 after admitting systematically abusing his second home expenses. Andrew MacKay stood down as the Tory leader's Parliamentary adviser after Mr Cameron ruled that his claims were ' unacceptable'. For years, he claimed the full second home allowance on his London address, while his wife, fellow Tory MP Julie Kirkbride, said their other home was her second property and claimed the full allowance on that.
Never heard of you, then until the last last twelve months , no one in the street knew anything about anyone in the Citadels of Power, we do know now that you are a bunch of crooks and if a Muslim or Roman Catholic, more so.
As always with the Mail, they lay it on thick, realize the article is slanted against you, adding that I feel also that you are just another creature on the gravy train , especially as you have "connections", especially with the den of conniving dead beats in Brussels.
In your case it is easy to see your rise to power, how it came about, the others have "other" connections.
What will you be "claiming" for in the very near future? three more houses to keep up with Darling and his "sexy" wife?
Looking at the Mail's shots of you.. my reaction is that you are a bit of a pratt, on the make, naturally.
Faintly impressive you having a Ducati... Unfortunate you have become embroiled with the easy money from the public purse syndrome. Paying back is hardly going to make your problem go away (Probably about the same you paid for the bike)
As one biker to another.. my confidential words to you are. ....The mistake you made was to be caught....
I'm sorry: Gordon Brown tells the Royal College of Nursing annual conference today that it was essential that MPs of all parties came together to 'clean up' politics and reform the allowances system
What a poser! And what a two-faced Scotch git he is!
"who's sorry now? / I have a feeling somehow" (with appologies to my mother, her favourite drinking song)
David Cameron on his new (borrowed) bike yesterday - leading to workmen asking if he put it on expenses
A bewildering array of methods used by ministers and MPs to play the system and maximise their taxpayer-funded expenses have been uncovered by a Daily Telegraph investigation.
Some of the ruses push the rules on parliamentary allowances to the absolute limit, while others appear to ride roughshod over both the spirit and the letter of the strict guidelines — bordering on fraud.
Many of the apparent abuses would have remained secret because crucial information is to be deleted from five years’ worth of expenses receipts before they are published by Parliament in July. But uncensored copies of some receipts, that have been leaked to The Daily Telegraph, leave no doubt that many greedy MPs regard expenses as a perk to be exploited to the limit.
The most widespread abuses relate to the Additional Costs Allowance, which exists to reimburse MPs for the cost of running a second home, either in their constituency or in London.
Dozens of MPs switch their “second” home from London to their constituency, and sometimes back again, to enable them to carry out extensive renovations or buy household goods for both properties.
Although parliamentary rules state that a second home should be the one where an MP spends the least time, officials in the department that signs off expenses appear powerless to prevent members arbitrarily nominating different addresses at different times. Because all addresses are to be censored when the expenses claims are published, there would have been no way of knowing that such apparent abuses were going on.
Several ministers who have moved into grace-and-favour apartments in London — and who had previously claimed on private London homes — have suddenly decided that their “second” home is in their constituency, so that virtually all of their housing costs are met by the taxpayer. They include Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling and Geoff Hoon.
Chancellor Alistair Darling changed his "second home" four times while claiming tens of thousands of pounds in housing expenses.
MPs can bill the taxpayer for just over £24,000 a year to fund a "second home". Mr Darling originally declared his main residence as a small flat in Lambeth which he shared with Labour MP Lewis Moonie - who was later ennobled and is now one of the peers under investigation over claims of being willing to accept payments to facilitate changes in legislation.
Mr Darling rented a room from Lord Moonie and was able to claim the second home allowance on his Edinburgh constituency family property. But, in September 2005, he told the Commons authorities that his Edinburgh house was his main home and used the second home allowance to meet the costs of a flat near the Oval cricket ground. These included £2,260 on stamp duty; £1,238 for legal fees; £2,074 for furniture, including a £768 bed from M&S and purchases totalling £765 from Ikea; and £2,339 on carpeting
Jack Straw charged the taxpayer for double the amount of council tax that he was actually paying for four years.
MPs' expenses: Jack Straw's confused claim:'Sorry for that ... accountancy does not appear to be my strongest suit,' wrote Mr Straw.
John Prescott's lavatory seat repairs, mock Tudor beams and £4,800pa for food Nicholas Cecil 08.05.09
JOHN Prescott claimed thousands of pounds a year for food and had his lavatory seat repaired twice by the taxpayer.
The former deputy prime minister, who has revealed that he suffers from bulimia, put in a food bill for two years at the maximum annual level of £4,800.
He also used public funds to have mock Tudor beams attached to his eight-bedroom, turreted constituency home in Hull.
He declared this property as his second home as he lived in a grace-and-favour residence in Admiralty House - where he conducted his affair with his diary secretary Tracey Temple.
Mr Prescott claimed £4,800 for food in 2004/05 and 2006/07.
He put in a food bill for £3,200 for each of 2005/06 and 2007/08, but the amount paid out in the earlier year was cut back by Parliament being dissolved for the general election.
In December 2004, a plumber charged £210.79 to "refix WC seat" and for repairs to pipework and taps. Another bill was for £22.50 to "replace linkage between siphon and handle to WC".
The MP for Hull East appears to have had another problem with a lavatory at the constituency home, where he lives with his wife Pauline, about two years later. He claimed £112.52 for a repair bill which included "refit WC seat".
Other bills include £6,772.27 for repairs such as replacing sash windows and £312 to "supply and fix mock Tudor boards to apex of front gable", £2,076.83 for redecorating, partly for a downstairs lavatory, £658 for drain repairs, £580 for a saffron-coloured carpet and £2,479 for rewiring an extension/office area.
The taxpayer also paid £1,187 for the exterior of his house to be repainted in 2004/05, and £609.92 for white goods including an LG washing machine.
As deputy prime minister, Mr Prescott also had the use of the Dorneywood country residence. He paid a "peppercorn" rent for a two-bedroom flat in Clapham, owned by the RMT union.
After losing his grace-and-favour residence in 2007/08, Mr Prescott changed his "second home" to a flat on Albert Embankment that he purchased with a mortgage of £667,737.
He subsequently claimed £19,225 in mortgage interest payments, an expense he had not been charging on his Hull property.
Mr Prescott said: "Every expense was entirely consistent within the rules of the House of Commons."
Unfortunately, he did forget to mention the expenses of his alternate sex life i.e. secretaries looking for higher positions, being wined and dined at discreet, lavish hotels and cruises on the
Queen Mary where he was not only drunk and disorderly but chasing women when he was sober or slightly so.
Other times he could be found asleep and snoring in the lounge (first class)
Lord Mandelson today led senior Labour figures in blaming the press for “smearing” politicians.
The Business Secretary, whose career has been dogged by rows over his personal finances, claimed that revelations in the Daily Telegraph today “besmirched” parliamentarians by portraying innocent claims for necessary expenses as greed.
He said: “When you see something like this in a paper like the Telegraph you can react with sort of boiling anger at the attempt to smear or traduce half the Cabinet, and you should rail at what motivates a Tory-supporting paper to mount an operation like this.
“Or you take it more philosophically, you accept that this is what passes for modern journalism — you don't allow yourself to be diverted from it as a minister and you get on with your day job, and that's what I intend to do.”
Lord Mandelson claimed there was not a “scintilla of evidence” to show any Cabinet ministers had done anything wrong. He added: “They are besmirching politicians.”
Former home secretary Charles Clarke accused the newspaper of using “stolen information to attack and discredit Parliament”. However, freedom of information campaigners pointed out that many details would never have come to light had the Telegraph not obtained the unedited files.
Among the issues that would have been kept secret were the payments totalling £6,577 from Gordon Brown to his brother Andrew for a cleaner.
The leaked records show that Andrew Brown's name was to have been blacked out in the officially published version, concealing the financial relationship from the public.
Sir Stuart Bell, who sits on the House of Commons Commission, called the newspaper's revelations chequebook journalism. He said: “It undermines the very basis of our democracy and is against all the rules of fair play, and rewards thieves or leakers.”
He continued: “If this was received by unauthorised means, it is disgraceful that a national newspaper should stoop so low as to buy information which will be in the public domain in July.” The Telegraph refused to discuss its source but The Times recently confirmed that it was offered computer discs containing scanned receipts and full expenses records over five years for £300,000.
Several media organisations appear to have rejected the disc but it is likely to have been the source of the recent revelations about Jacqui Smith claiming for her husband's television viewing, which included adult movies.
Suspicions at Westminster are that an individual at an outside company employed by the Commons to process the receipts took the opportunity to make an illicit copy. Andrew Porter, the Telegraph's political editor, insisted: “There's an element to this that is most definitely in the public interest.”
He was backed by the Taxpayers Alliance pressure group which said the revelations were important and illuminating.
The Times account said the discs were being hawked by a City-based businessman. It added: “When he made clear that he was expecting money, The Times turned down the offer.”
The so-called Lord Mandelson has forgotten his property manipulations and other devious maneuvers. He is now whiter than white (we are aware this is not politically correct) the man is a crook, probably one of the top in the hierarchy and is naive enough to think that the beaten, ostracized remnants of the white English are going to forget by the pressure of existence under people such as him and his cohorts, for him to resort to criticizing The Telegraph for daring to speak the truth tells a lot about the philandering corrupt deviates in control of the country
By Ian Drury and Tom Kelly,Daily Mail Last updated at 1:50 AM on 09th May 2009
Andy Burnham spent eight months pleading with officials to be granted a disputed expenses claim for £16,500 spent buying and decorating a new London flat.
The Culture Secretary even joked in 2005 that he 'might be in line for a divorce' unless the Commons authorities paid him the money within a few days.
The Fees Office finally agreed to hand over the cash after rejecting the claim three times.
What a lovely couple (of crooks) ! I would be afraid to wake up next to her, as Tony Bair and the other idiot, Darling!
Ian Drury, Daily Mail Last updated at 9:45 AM on 09th May 2009
One of David Cameron's most trusted allies was last night embroiled in the MPs' expenses scandal. Greg Barker, Conservative climate change minister, made £320,000 in two years by exploiting his generous taxpayer-funded allowances. The multi-millionaire, who made the money buying and selling a flat in one of London's most prestigious streets, is the first senior Tory to become caught up in the allowances scandal
Last month a businessman was offering scans of all MPs’ receipts dating back to 2004 to various newspapers for £300,000. The Times turned down the offer. A new wave of ministers and the first Tory were facing questions last night after fresh revelations in The Daily Telegraph. Among them were Barbara Follett, the Tourism Minister, who claimed over £25,000 for security patrols around her Soho home. Phil Hope, the Social Care Minister, spent £37,000 refurbishing his flat, including a £120 barbecue. Greg Barker, the Shadow Climate Change Minister, was alleged to have made £320,000 after buying a flat with taxpayers’ help and selling it 27 months later.
The revelations capped another torrid day for the Government and laid bare how some ministers changed the location of their “second home” to secure maximum financial advantage. Gordon Brown again demanded an overhaul of MPs’ expenses. No 10 pointedly refused to say that all Cabinet members had acted with integrity.
Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary, appeared to criticise some colleagues when he said: “I think it’s reasonable that you make clear what your main home or your secondary home is and you stick to it.”
Police revealed that they had received a complaint from an unnamed MP about the conduct of Tony Mc-Nulty, the Employment Minister, who claimed about £60,000 for the house where his parents lived.
The baroness, who became Britain?s first Muslim woman peer in 1998, has lived with her family in a house in Wapping, east London, since the early 1990s A LABOUR peer who lives in the East End of London has claimed about £100,000 in parliamentary expenses on a flat in Kent that neighbours say has been unoccupied for years.
Baroness Uddin, who worked closely with Tony and Cherie Blair, has been claiming allowances intended for peers living outside London although she resides only four miles from the Lords.
Inquiries by The Sunday Times have established that the baroness bought a two-bedroom flat in Maidstone in 2005 and has named it as her main home to claim almost £30,000 a year in accommodation expenses from the House of Lords.
Residents from the five other flats in the same block as Uddin’s property all say they have never seen her there. They could see through the windows that the bedrooms were unfurnished.
By TIM SHIPMAN Last updated at 3:17 AM on 30th April 2009
Three Labour MPs are said to be terrified that the release of their expenses claims will expose them as adulterers and financial cheats. Four ministers are also understood to have warned party whips they might have to resign for abusing the system, when MPs' receipts are published before the summer recess in July. The three unnamed backbenchers are said to have been placed on 'suicide watch' by Labour whips, who fear they might break down when the details of their excesses come out. Two are understood to have had extra-marital affairs with other members of Parliament. Not only are they believed to have shared hotel rooms during annual conference get-togethers and party away days but also to have double-claimed for the rooms on their expenses. If both MPs have claimed for the bill they will be branded frauds as well as love cheats when journalists and freedom of information campaigners sift through their receipts. The third backbencher is said to have made 'grotesque' financial claims.
By MICHAEL LEA,Daily Mail Last updated at 11:28 PM on 10th April 2009
The British National Party poses its biggest electoral threat yet as anger over job cuts and immigration grows, Harriet Harman warned yesterday.
She raised the alarm as the far-right party snatched a surprise second place in a council by-election in one of its main target areas for the forthcoming polls for the European Parliament.
Jacqui Smith, biggest crook in the business. Even her tiny mind has grasped reality. A change from grasping money... her favourite occupation.
By STEVE DOUGHTY, Daily Mail Last updated at 8:33 AM on 13th April 2009
This hypocrite is the ultimate in two faced bastards. He preaches one thing, and lives like a feudal lord complete with ten thousand pound chandeliers, guilded ceilings, beautiful cut glasses full of water (for the poor only)...
By JENNY JOHNSTON, Daily Mail Last updated at 11:43 AM on 18th April 2009
They pored over her intimate love letters, stripped the sheets from the marital bed and even rifled through their 15-year-old daughter's homework. In this exclusive interview, Alicia Collinson recalls what happened after her husband was accused of modern-day treason...
They should accept the "Police State" by now. We must all bow to the will of Tony Blair and his acerbic, avaricious, acrimonious, aggressive, old, verbose wife. No wonder he turned to God!
The Blairs' and the Ceaușescus' were a right "win double". The latter, suitably, were shot.
By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Last updated at 1:02 AM on 20th April 2009 He's at it again!! As all the others in the citadels of power, spunking up our money in the name of "democracy".
Nicholas Cecil and Paul Waugh, Evening Standard 08.04.09
How much money does Tony and his acerbic, acrimonious wife intend making out of supporting gays having exhausted the human rights, politically correct fiasco?
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Amongst all the grasping greed in high places during the last few years, no one has lost – lost their job, lost their heads, perhaps one or two rare lost virginities, in the inferno of sex, self adulation and remorsless power grabbing.
The recent “riots” confirm that Big Brother in full armour, is now in full control of all minds and all actions, the individual has ceased to exist, appropriately , on the first of April, all resistance to those now in power, those within the citadels, is pointless in it’s total impossibility.
The unelected Gordon Brown and the black, non American President of the United States have proved themselves triumphant over the outraged, feeble face of apathy, poverty and mass discontent.
Such is the confidence of Gordon Brown in his determination to become a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church that he, in his now unassailable position, has decided to reform the hundreds of years old Protestant constitution in order that Roman Catholics can succeed to the English Throne.
No one, nowhere, has raised their voice in any form of protestation, seeing quite clearly that the slightest remonstration would invoke the inscrutable, quite frightening, Jack Straw, personally leading such a misguided creature to room 101, from where there is no return, other than with a enforced reverse of ”attitude”.
Such is the power and weight of Gordon Brown, his conviction, in this case, he has been politically incorrect to the extreme of not consulting Islam, who, what seems only such a short time ago, were on the verge of building minarets on Buckingham Palace, pronouncing “King Vaz the First” . Vast masses of black people thronging the Mall and spilling out into Trafalgar Square, endlessly chanting his name.
By Benedict Brogan Last updated at 12:03 AM on 21st February 2009
Surprise victory: BNP member Paul Golding took a 76 vote majority in Sevenoaks, Kent
A win for the British National Party yesterday sent a tremor through Labour amid growing fears the recession is driving angry voters into the arms of extremist parties
By Nicholas Cecil, Daily MailLast updated at 10:57 AM on 12th February 2009
Clearly you must have a fatwa on your head after villifiying Mr. Keith Vaz , whom I have long said will be “King Vaz The First”… Vast Black Muslim masses thronging the Mall and spilling into Trafalgar Square, endlessly chanting his name, gold leaved minarets on Buckingham Palace… Islam rather than multiculturalism has now become the key for the labour party. Why is the left so intent of placing this country in the hands of Islam, which it is doing each moment of every day?? This has been my particular emphasis for a long time, with my leaning towards the National Front as there is no alternative. There is now one person who is apparently unafraid of the Muslim masses and is willing to put his head above the parapet making the situation something of a paradox ... yourself, which also makes me having to re think this subject. According to you, I am wrong. You are, as it stands, dismissive of Mr. Vaz and his aspirations, backed by the inscrutable Jack Straw who sleeps with Orwell under his pillow and is the only key holder to room 101 Your outburst, so unusual , remarkably so, in Orwellian England, that I am still not sure if your exchange of words with this creature was simply a political get up, such is the person’s in the streets distrust of politics and more deeply so, politicians.
(You evidently told him to fuck off in double digits. Personally I could have broken the record and had the Thought Police at my house with a helicopter and three armoured cars, in three minutes, all staked out "Come out, with your hands up, Bill!" )
Went there on official business . Reporting to Islamabad the precise day he will become King of England.... King Vaz the First.
The pretender, meanwhile, flying about the World in a private Jet talking to the plants and lecturing on "Global Warming" Naturally paid for by all the hard working immigrants he left behind in sub zero temperatures and minimum existence rates, however, heavily subsidizes by the Gordon and Tony benevolent fund.
The case facing Brentford County Court was unprecedented. An 83-year-old pensioner and decorated Second World War veteran, John Taylor, had filed a complaint against his local MP, Ann Keen, accusing her of being “bone idle” and breaching her “statutory duty of care” to him as a constituent.
Last year she and her husband, Alan, 71, the Labour MP for neighbouring Feltham and Heston, were dubbed “Mr and Mrs Expenses” after it was revealed they had claimed £175,000 over five years for a second London home, despite having one in Keen's Brentford constituency just nine miles from Parliament.
...on 29 December 2008 the court found that Keen should pay him £15,000 in damages. Although four days later the court set aside its decision and scheduled a re-hearing in April, the damage had been done.
By Michael Lea, Daily Mail Last updated at 12:02 PM on 06th February 2009
Tony Blair famously 'didn't do God' during his decade in Downing Street, fearing he would be viewed as a religious fanatic. But the former Prime Minister lectured the world yesterday on the need to put faith at the heart of global affairs. In an impassioned 'sermon' in the U.S. he made no fewer than 31 mentions of God, and declared: 'In surrendering to God we become instruments of his love'.
.... So, Blair DOES do God, after all, doesn't he??? More intriguingly, how does he get so close up Obama's arse so quickly! He is obviously about to do another Bush... Jesus wants me for a sunbeam and a fucking fine sunbeam am I!
Michael Spencer, the joint Conservative treasurer, has chosen a star-studded Tory ball for his first public appearance with the new woman in his life. The 53-year-old billionaire, a close friend of David Cameron, split with his wife Lorraine last year after starting a relationship with Sarah, Marchioness of Milford Haven.
The chief executive of ICAP, the world’s largest money broker, is one of the Tory Party’s wealthiest and most generous donors and a regular at Conservative social occasions.
Last night he confirmed that he will be taking the Marchioness, 47, to the Black and White Ball instead of his wife.
The £450-a-head event is the highlight of the Conservative social calender and the couple will rub shoulders with guests including the Camerons, Zac Goldsmith and Liz Hurley.
‘Michael usually attends this sort of event with Lorraine,’ explained a member of the event committee. ‘Michael and his wife usually sit with the Camerons on the top table. But this year it’s causing a stir because Michael is bringing Sarah. ‘They will be on separate tables but they are definitely attending as an item.’
Interesting to know what appeals to a billionaire, is it a red dress concealing a few bones, supporting a slightly worn body, or is it this lady’s title …”Marchioness of Milford Haven” is this the appeal? Immediately placing him higher in the social structure, which is the bottom line, high enough to ignore his wife, who doubtlessly has had the rough end of the stick over the long years. The man himself looks not unlike Captain Mannering, quite likely the same blustering, overbearing mentality. His choice, if passed in Sainsbury’s, no one would look twice.
There is little attraction in Milford Haven, it being a rather dark, dank, depressing corner of the “European State” ( think I am being politically correct in saying this) Then, every man has his price and is quite willing to over look certain aspects of the price paid.
By Peter Oborne, Daily Mail Last updated at 9:03 AM on 02nd February 2009
When Gordon Brown brought Peter Mandelson home from Brussels three months ago and appointed him Business Secretary, the move was hailed as a masterstroke. of this ocean-going, chateau-bottled, 24-carat Euro-fanatic at the helm of British industrial policy. YesBut as the recession deepens, the Prime Minister must surely be starting to regret the presence terday this unelected peer surpassed even himself by coming forward with the strong hint that British workers protesting outside the Total oil refinery on Humberside ought to look for jobs abroad.
By Tammy Lovell and Nick Pisa, Daily Mail Last updated at 1:53 AM on 02nd February 2009
Moored in a corner of Grimsby's vast fish docks, this ugly barge is at the centre of a bitter dispute over the use of foreign workers.
The floating hotel houses around 100 Italian and Portuguese workers at the Lindsey oil refinery at Killingholme in North East Lincolnshire. Over the last week around 5,000 protesters gathered outside Britain's main oil refineries in wildcat strikes, angered at the exclusion of British workers from construction contracts.
By Andy McSmith, The Independent Monday, 2 February 2009
Two hundred Romanian construction workers who were helping to build the 2012 Olympic Park have been "quietly sacked" in the past two months during a clampdown on illegal foreign labour, it has been alleged by a senior source.
When I started work, at the age of 14, for Hackney Borough Council, the trade-union official quickly demanded one shilling and four pence from me as my trade-union due. At that time, trade-unions were sacrosanct. Today, with such creatures as Blair, Mandelson, Brown, Cameron, George Osborne, the House of Lords, the House of Commons, as far down as you like to go into the labyrinths of bureaucracy, you will find corruption. Many years ago, it occured to me that the trade-union leaders were all part of this conspiracy of greed. Evidently, the actual workers of the country have stopped watching Coronation Street, stopped watching football, and concluded, as I have done, that they're on their own. Fortunately, with modern technology, it is easy to by-pass those union barons who live in great splendor and are recipients of the occasional brown manilla envelopes.
By Gordon Rayner, Chief Reporter, The Telegraph Last Updated: 11:22AM GMT 31 Jan 2009
Lord Truscott was secretly video recorded describing how peers charge up to £5,000 per day to help clients with what he called "facilitating amendments" to the law.
Paul Waugh, Deputy Political Editor Evening Standard 29.01.09
CABINET minister Jack Straw faced questions today over a donation from a Saudi-backed firm.
The Electoral Commission was urged to investigate whether the £2,000 gift to his 2005 general election campaign was lawful.
The money from Westminster International Consultants was accepted by Blackburn constituency Labour party on the same day as it received a £3,000 sum from Lord Taylor of Blackburn - the peer at the centre of the "Lords for Hire" allegations.
MP Derek Conway suffered a fresh disgrace when he was ordered to pay back thousands of pounds in public money dished out to another family member.
Westminster's sleaze watchdog ordered the former Tory whip to apologise and return more than £3,700 that was wrongly paid to elder son Henry for research and admin duties.
By Michael Lea, Daily Mail Last updated at 11:31 PM on 26th January 2009
Two of the four Labour peers at the centre of corruption allegations have made a brazen attempt to save themselves from being thrown out of the Lords.
They made public apologies in the House as a secret recording revealed that one – Lord Taylor of Blackburn – boasted that ?100,000 a year was ‘cheap for what I do’.
The explosive tape was released moments after Lord Taylor and former Labour whip Lord Snape were told that claims they were willing secretly to amend laws in return for cash had brought shame on Parliament.
Sketch: Had it been possible to hold inquests in secret, would the Menezes case have been held in public?
It's the charming ones we have to watch. Jack Straw has a pleasantly partisan way with the House, but he has depths – and maybe we wouldn't want to wade out too deeply. Talking to one of his admirers, I received a list of whistleblowers who had been caught and prosecuted, while within reach of friend Jack. That struck a cautionary note.
Nicholas Cecil, Chief Political Correspondent, Evening Standard 27.01.09
JUSTICE Secretary Jack Straw was today dragged into the Lords-for-hire scandal. The Standard can reveal that he has received payments through the peer at the heart of the damaging sleaze row.
One was a personal gift from Lord Taylor of Blackburn, who has boasted he can earn £100,000 a go as a paid lobbyist.
The other was a £3,000 donation, solicited by the peer from a firm which is paying him as an adviser as it seeks to open a new gas storage centre.
The inscrutable Straw ... lost the key to room 101?
Saturday, 24 January 2009
No wonder MPs don't want us to see their expenses - a lot of them are just plain criminal
By Ian Drury, Daily Mail Last updated at 12:41 AM on 20th January 2009
A last-ditch attempt to prevent the Government keeping secret how MPs spend millions of taxpayers' money was launched yesterday.
Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman ruled last week that details of MPs' £93million-a-year expenses would be exempt from right-to-know rules.
MPs will vote on whether to exempt themselves from freedom of information requests about their expenses on Thursday. It would block the publication of 1.2million receipts dating back four years.
By Glen Owen, Daily Mail Last updated at 10:02 PM on 17th January 2009
Ministers have been condemned for throwing a £3,000-a-head dinner party - to discuss the economic slump. Culture Secretary Andy Burnham ran up the £60,000 bill so he could discuss the effect of the credit crunch on 'creative industries' with 20 guests, including BBC Director General Mark Thompson and Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan. Last night the Conservatives said the lavish bash showed how 'out of touch' the Government had become with the hardships endured by ordinary people
Dear guests: Ministers and 'big hitters from creative industries' at the dinner
By Andrew Chapman, Daily Mail Last updated at 10:01 PM on 17th January 2009
A Minister is at the centre of a sleaze row after failing to disclose to Westminster officials that she uses taxpayers' money to employ her partner as her researcher. Jane Kennedy, Minister of State for Agriculture, Farming and Recycling, lists Peter Dowling on her constituency website as a member of her office staff responsible for research and parliamentary affairs. But she failed to mention him on the Register of Members' Interests - despite new rules making it compulsory from last August, following the scandal surrounding Tory MP Derek Conway's employment of his sons and wife
· New Labour has been the most petty, dishonest, vindictive, reckless and downright sinister Government this country has ever had to suffer. They have relentlessly hacked into our system of civil liberties, legal rights and checks and balances built up from hundreds of years of wisdom, struggle and sacrifice. "Their plans to barcode, track and spy on the entire population are worthy of the most grotesque dictatorships. Their tentacles reach ever further into our daily lives creating hassle, anxiety and friction where none existed before. "It is as if a straightjacket has been slowly lowered over the British people this last decade and remorselessly pulled tighter and tighter. I say this a Labour supporter for 25 years; it is not enough that they lose the next election. They need to be wiped off the map as a political force. They are simply unfit to govern. Posted by dave on May 25, 2008 5:40 PM ( Tele)
" Labour has been seen now to stand for envy, class-hatred, manipulation ( by targets),and bungling management of the economy and interference with our Society. Brown is not brilliant and neither has he been a good chancellor - evidenced for even the most myopic of Labour voters ( although, probably too many really thick voters out there for that). He ( like Harman and many of her comrades) has Marxist ideals and is cunning - his faults, daily, are being laid bare. Brown and comrades have indeed much to answer for after ten years, with their tired " more of the same " nanny-state meddling and envy (ie non-dom taxes, middle-class wine alcoholism, NHS patient "selection","rewards" for good behaviour and losing weight etc. etc.). Blaming the "middle classes" and others, and giving handouts does not work. Rewarding young single mothers with housing priority encourages the feckless and naive. This shambles of a Government has yet again demonstrated its loathing of the middle income workers and pensioners by a sneering tax hike on family cars and utility vehicles, and still tries to justify this "Green" tax by implying it is aimed at posh 4x4s. When the revised road taxes start to hit people, it should be interesting to watch Brown squirm.( At least they have realised the potential mayhem and partly reduced the rises.) However,DC's fresh, unassuming but forceful and intelligent leadership could not have shown up Brown's leaden, authoritative, almost Soviet style more thoroughly - the one reflecting a Party that wants to give back some real autonomy and self-determination to the public, and the other reiterating its desire to squash any original thought or wish to have control over one's life. Brown's mismanagement of countless budgets and financial concerns(such as tax credits, NHS computer system, Pension funds,gold reserve auction etc. etc....) and "policies" such as not allowing an EU referendum, taxing people at an overall 54%, removing the 10% band, stealth and spin, causing a breakdown in society and a massive increase in the number of young single parents, to name just a few examples, highlight starkly the reason that the Country wishes him and his Stalinist Party out. Brown and Labour have been shown up for what they really are - useless, out-of-touch apparatchiks and control freaks, with no sense of common decency nor awareness. This is just the latest example of Labour's Orwellian goals. Brown simply does not seem to understand - his implication is... more of the same. Brown has repeated the Labour mantra - more control,more "buying" of the client State, more interference by the State, and thus more tax or filling in forms to claim "credits". Labour has no idea - bullying Statism is their way forward. Paul Butler on January 17, 2009 at 06:47 PM
· Harman had all the advantages of the upper classes, where she came from, but she is still of very low intelligence . No amount of money or breeding can change that ! Minerva on January 17, 2009 at 06:47 PM
· David Welch - what an absolutely classic post. I thought you were joking at first, then I realised you meant it. Bless you for making me smile today. sydney harbour-bridge on January 17, 2009 at 06:47 PM
· In common with all privileged people, the Harpie talks for the working class but acts for herself. The true "working class" do not need assistance to find work, in most cases they have 2 or 3 jobs and pay there way
Jan Moir, Daily Mail Last updated at 9:42 AM on 16th January 2009
For 11 long years while her husband was prime minister, Mrs Blair tormented the British public with her hard-boiled hypocrisy, her flaky friends and her infamously freeloading ways.
An Italian palazzo? A beach-side Bee Gee mansion in Florida? If it was five-star luxurious and totally free, the Blairs would be there like greased grease; Tony out tanning his man-boobs by the pool before Cherie had even had time to unpack her discount Liz Hurley kaftans.
What an embarrassing pair! Yet if there were aspects of the Blairs in Downing Street that were hard to stomach, it is nothing compared to the Blairs unleashed. Now we are faced with a couple of chancers on the make, two knaves no longer constrained by modesty or the restricting chains of office
The English, in their greed, desire, wish, for “Cheap Labour” overlooking all other factors in pursuing, indeed forcing it upon the Nation, inventing words such as racist and politically incorrect, for those who dare protest at the endless influx of Muslims and all others of the World’s unwanted.
No one more vehement, no one more iron fisted, no one more aggressive, no one more adamant that this process of multiculturalism is forced, iron fisted, upon the Nation than Mr. Anthony Blair in his ten years as Prime minister. Then, personally seeing the way his ideas, in all respects had fallen apart, made a exit at precisely the right moment .. no election called, no anything, simply left the situation to a unelected Roman Catholic Scotsman.
Blair must have had a wry smile as he pocketed his millions and walked away.. A very sharp operator, however, for a wife, he has possibly one of the most devious, avaricious females in recent history, she being the backbone of “all “ his insistence on “multiculturalism” and “Human Rights” she, as a barrister, making millions fiercely defending these decrees.
Business Minister Baroness Vadera, pictured with Business Secretary Peter Mandelson, believes there are a few 'green shoots' of economic recovery
One of Gordon Brown's closest advisers was ridiculed yesterday after claiming she could see 'green shoots' of economic recovery. Baroness Vadera said there were signs of an improvement amid the gloom. The Business Minister's rose-tinted view flew in the face of another barrage of grim economic news.
The FTSE index of Britain's 100 biggest companies dropped nearly 5 per cent to close at 4,180, its 17th-worst percentage fall in history, as bank shares took a caning. In the U.S., the Dow Jones fell off a cliff, pushed by a dire set of retail figures showing the worst Christmas period for 40 years. And 4,000 more British jobs were lined up for the axe including more than 2,000 at Barclays, whose boss called on the Bank of England to print more money.
Gleeful Tories seized on Shriti Vadera's gaffe as proof that the Government 'is living on another planet'.
Perfect win treble to run the "inner party" a dubious crook, another Uriah Heep, the essential, none white Ugandan woman and a unelected Scotch Roman Catholic prime minister. Not forgetting at the back of everything to do with "control" hovers the most powerful, secretive, feared man in England . The only key holder to room 101. Jack Straw. His profound thesis being from Orwell, who's writings he sleeps with under his pillow...
"That the motivation of the Inner Party is not to achieve a future paradise but to retain power by every and any means, which has become an end in itself. a terrifying vision of how "they" will/have changed society and people in order to achieve this, including the abolition of the family, the orgasm, and the sex instinct, with the ultimate goal of eliminating anything that may come between one's love of the now firmly established Big Brother.... the Labour party. It is a society that grows more, not less merciless as it refines itself', a society without art, literature, or science, there are to be no distractions from devotion to the Party, or any unorthodox thought, which is also to be achieved through the eradication of Modern English...... "1984
"Miss" Shriti is unmarried, her orgasms, in line with party politics, only come with success in manipulation of the masses. Her tendency to shout and stamp her size five, hand made leather shoe and shout as only the privately educated upper echelons know how in their intimidating manner, is simply to exacerbate this innate function.
Lord Mandleson has also followed the party line , remaining unmarried, having other tendencies, simply pouring scorn and derision on those naive enough to produce children in the 21st century
From: john strange Sent: 02 April 2009 20:26 To: VAZ, Keith; Subject: Just a thought...another one.
Amongst all the grasping greed in high places during the last few years, no one has lost – lost their job, lost their heads, perhaps one or two rare lost virginities, in the inferno of sex, self adulation and remorsless power grabbing.
The recent “riots” confirm that Big Brother in full armour, is now in full control of all minds and all actions, the individual has ceased to exist, appropriately , on the first of April, all resistance to those now in power, those within the citadels, is pointless in it’s total impossibility.
The unelected Gordon Brown and the black, non American President of the United States have proved themselves triumphant over the outraged, feeble face of apathy, poverty and mass discontent.
Such is the confidence of Gordon Brown in his determination to become a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church that he, in his now unassailable position, has decided to reform the hundreds of years old Protestant constitution in order that Roman Catholics can succeed to the English Throne.
No one, nowhere, has raised their voice in any form of protestation, seeing quite clearly that the slightest remonstration would invoke the inscrutable, quite frightening, Jack Straw, personally leading such a misguided creature to room 101, from where there is no return, other than with a enforced reverse of ”attitude”.
Such is the power and weight of Gordon Brown, his conviction, in this case, he has been politically incorrect to the extreme of not consulting Islam, who, what seems only such a short time ago, were on the verge of building minarets on Buckingham Palace, pronouncing “King Vaz the First” . Vast masses of black people thronging the Mall and spilling out into Trafalgar Square, endlessly chanting his name.
Dieu et mon droit.
from VAZ, Keith to john.strange2008@gmail.com date Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:40 PM subject Just a thought...another one. mailed-by parliament.uk
Dear Mr. Strange,
The Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP has asked me to thank you for your email. Before I can proceed, could you please confirm your full postal address?
With best wishes
Yours sincerely
Hannah Grimsley
Parliamentary Assistant
Office of Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The European union is little more than a ingenious way of those in power allowing the free flow of cheap labour throughout Europe, accompanied by plenty of flag waving, plenty of shouting democracy and freedom. Certainly these laboring creatures are free ... free to work at the lowest subsistence level, undercutting the established work force in which ever country they flee too.. creating unrest and endless opportunities for the establishment to mouth platitudes, make promises while putting the proceeds or this plot into their deep pockets, the money to be flaunted in whichever way of displaying this wealth appeals to them … £1 million houses, a long line of horses, mistresses and Bentleys, anything that shows their personal superiority, all with a permanent, smug, contemptuous look on their public faces; knowing also, with almost undisguised satisfaction, that at any moment of every day there are a large number of alien people creeping into the woodwork legally or illegally. At Calais, there is and always will be a mass of the World’s unwanted, simply waiting for the guards to look the other way, they having been given the nod there is a demand for higher wages in England, which is rectified by simply opening the backs of lorries ….The French smile at the English naivety , doing all that is possible to help these people cross the Channel to claim “asylum” “benefits” and their “Human Rights” The French do not make France alluring for England bound beggars
There is nothing new in this situation. Throughout history, conquering nations have used the indigenous population as slaves. The “abolishment of slavery” was nothing more than a piece of paper. People are no longer flogged, branded to make them work, or used for personal gratification... The 21st century has more circumspect ways of intimidation. Watching people has become the first priority. Cameras concealed in every crevice, the police, a vast quasi military force, armed to the very teeth with the power to arrest anyone simply for looking the wrong way. The Establishment is terrified of the slightest uprising of those toiling for them; the slightest impediment which may hinder the accumulation of their wealth. The top 2% of the population now own 98% of the Worlds assets, which is not enough. They want the lot and will not sleep until they get it.
Orwell never saw this side of humanity, the stark greed... rather he saw people wanting “Control”, as with Blair. He never visualizing the dramatic results of his iron fisted grip on England, the deterioration of everything and everyone to the lowest common denominator, anyone, anyone at all, regardless, was not allowed to speak out, punished heavily in the “Courts of Law” with the threat of the word “racist” or refusing to be “politically correct” or for interfering with a person’s “Human Rights” all of these concepts being the manifestations of his wife, a barrister, who doubtlessly seeing the distinct financial gain to be made from these edicts, she, possibly the most dominant, grasping, vitriolic, vociferous woman in recent political history, without any doubt also being heavily backed by the Bush tentacles for whatever deep, political, financial motives that regime had decided on, which would account for her sheer confidence and her acrimonious contempt of everything and anyone who did not see the “situation” her way.
When she realized the deep depths of despair England had sunk into over the crushing of the individual and clearly seeing the impending financial pandemonium, the bureaucratic bludgeon being used indiscriminately at every level of society, the threats, the deliberately created overpopulation with the resulting reaction of the individual as rats in a trap, only then, struck by the stark realization, did she order the person she was married to, to pack his things and make the most impeccably timed discreet exit of any politician, taking with them their accumulated millions. A faint wave, farewell to a few friends, very few, simply leaving the country, no fluttering flags, no speeches, no anything, leaving England in the hands of a Roman Catholic Scotchman, unelected, unwanted .
The greed aspect has never openly manifested itself as in the 21st century ... Hitler had “cheap labour”... he paid nothing… but he, his party, or any other power throughout history, other than the Romans, did not have the open excesses of society now and the “disgusting excesses” as the lady said, of the West Indian sugar plant owners…which may have been the very seeds of 21st cent acceptance of greed as a God, or simply forget God and go for the money, which is about the way The United State and it’s ancillary, England, has gone.
There is the point that no one could do anything about it ... the working class chained in every conceivable way and always will be. In the “office” of the Adelaide Seaman’s Union there is a large beer stained poster showing a “Capitalist” dressed in black, waving a stick; the caption being an old one but the absolute truth. “Workers of the World unite: you have nothing to lose but your chains”
Perhaps there is now some creeping unease in the Citadels of Brussels, London, Paris, (President Sarkozy, his current penchant for expensive, dominant females) Rome, all the rich European capitals… that as America has now gone Black ... Europe through it’s greed in letting in countless millions of black and coloured workers into Europe and given them the right to vote, there is now enough of them to vote decisively… vote all the other way... This aspect was never considered; never apparently occurred to the upper echelons; they, too busy dinning their secretaries, or their “personal trainers” buying the very latest extravaganza, the largest properties…..the biggest yachts, at the same time, breathlessly on their mobile telephones doing billions of pounds worth of “deals” which have no substance, no foundation, simply numbers on millions of computers. Enron being the first small tip of this grasp of greed. The repercussions of attempting to get a percentage of nothing has devastated the World.
Applegarth had such big ambitions. But the business model just collapsed when the credit crunch hit. Luckily for Applegarth, he walked away with a wheelbarrow of cash to ease the pain of his failure, and spent the summer playing cricket. (Guardian) One or two did see a situation coming
The bottom line of this madness for money will culminate with minarets on Buckingham Palace, vast, black masses thronging the Mall, spilling into Trafalgar square, endlessly chanting ‘King Vaz the First” Not even a question mark as to this eventuality, not even as a long term view in the present economic chaos. Perfect time in history for Islam to make the move it has so long waited for, the physical annexation of England.
The Muslim conurbations in the peripheries will simply rise up. The plastic, plodding, beaten, obese, lethargic English will concede to Islam as it is the easy way out of a situation beyond Coronation Street, football and it’s strange moronic “heroes”.
There is no alternative for this fallen, disintegrated nation of once proud people. In the British Isles there is not another Churchill to step forward in this moment of crisis, no other voice to be heard, or more fundamentally, allowed to be heard, other than the painful, pious, platitudes from the supercilious entrenched rich who rule these Isles from their clubs in Mayfair and Pall Mall , not from the corridors of Westminster
The rest of Europe will intercede quite dramatically, the words of Enoch echoing along their inflamed streets “Rivers of Blood“.
As someone said quite recently…
“Time to emigrate”.
George MonbiotThe Guardian 27th Jan 09; It is fitting and unsurprising that the scene of the new scandal is the unelected second chamber, whose proper reform Blair and Brown have spent 12 years avoiding. The deregulation of the banks, the love affair with the neocons, the failure to tax the rich, “Peter Mandelson” ... is there any slithering cop-out that has not now returned to haunt this government?
The premise of Robert Harris's novel “The Ghost” - that Blair's premiership was the creation of a foreign intelligence service - is correct in spirit if not in substance.
For 12 years the British government has acted as an agent of other powers: the US; big business; big money; anything except the electorate.
It is hard now to believe that it was elected in a frenzy of hope very much like the excitement surrounding Barack Obama which will be short lived once it is realized that he too is possibly in the grip of “other forces”.
21st century England, the demise of the “Church of England”.
Each church now being a extremely desirable piece of real estate, the buildings themselves in the hands of skilled architects renovate into extreme attractive apartments. Personally this rot started in August 1939. I, on a school Journey (12 shillings and sixpence -old English money) for two weeks holiday in Canterbury, 38 of us. We dutifully went to the Cathedral and were enthusiasts upon by the Cannon who showed us from top to bottom, walking high amongst the bells in centuries of dust, all this in some awe. There was more to come, he invited us into his chambers, the magnificence overwhelmed us. Crystal chandeliers, silverware, highly polished furniture, space and maids looking rather as if they had stepped out of Lyons Corner house. We, dressed in very close to rags in our short trousers, holes in our socks and not so clever shirts.
He rubbed his hands together, red, cherubic face beaming and said “You boys must be thirsty” we nodded. He called out to the maids , we, waited in anticipation, lemonade perhaps ?? The women appeared with silver trays full of beautiful glasses… of water. That moment diffused all the perhaps confused conceptions I had of “Religion” I saw precisely what it was, what it stood for, in that exact moment. Other men have paid with their lives, spent their lives pouring over books writing endlessly on the subject.I can only smile at their naivety.
It was best I opened with my small story, as the now situation is simply one of deep deterioration. Without hesitation, SundayChurch has been replaced with Sunday at Sainsbury’s… it has taken half a century. If the situation had stopped simply there… It has not, there are other deeper, powerful aspects to the vacuum left by English non conformity. Islam, the modern contender for control, springs to mind, the English disparaging about this aspect….. about all.
If the full implication does not rise above Coronation Street and football, the same attitude with immigration. If Islam and immigration are not mentioned in this nationalestablishment , then Islam and immigration are irrelevant. Full stop.
Today the price, or whatever one wishes to call it, is being paid. Parliament has allowed Islam to dispense it’s own justice in some aspects to it’s millions of followers in England by allowing ‘Sharia Law’. A creeping claw, which within the next half century will see England a Islamic State. In no way am I attempting to divert this situation by stating a fact, which it is. Parliament has also abandoned Morning Prayers in The English religion, they have decided to make it “multicultural “ after about 400 years. Time for change perhaps.
Now I am concluding that there is little difference between Islam as a State and England. Each has become totalitarian, each with it’s own emphasis, it’s own determination to crush the masses, control the masses, manipulate the masses to the satisfaction and security of a certain few, a group of people who use this total power simply to tighten their grip.Irrelevant if it is The English hierarchy who have governed for centuries and are now faced with the prospect of power being taken from them without bloodshed,a insidious creeping of the “armies of the night” as has been done with immigration, the corner stone of Islamic infiltration . The English, in their greed, desire, wish, for “Cheap Labour” overlooking all other factors in pursuing,indeed forcing it upon the Nation, inventing words such as racist and politically incorrect, for those who dare protest at the endless influx of Muslims and all others of the World’s unwanted.
No one more vehement, no one more iron fisted, no one more aggressive, no one more adamant that this process of multiculturalism is forced, iron fisted, upon the Nation than Mr. Anthony Blair in his ten years as Prime minister. Then, personally seeing the way his ideas, in all respects had fallen apart, made a exit at precisely the right moment .. no election called, no anything, simply left the situation to a unelectedRoman Catholic Scotsman.
Blair must have had a wry smile as he pocketed his millions and walked away.. A very sharp operator, however, for a wife, he has possibly one of the most devious, avaricious females in recent history, she being the backbone of “all “ his insistence on “multiculturalism” and “Human Rights”she, as a barrister, making millions fiercely defending these decrees.
Local councils which now have a disproportionate number of Muslim Councilors,have suddenly taken it upon themselves, using the Anti terrorism act as an excuse, to increase their power beyond the imagination, aided by cameras and “secret cameras” hidden in “Tin cans” on lamp posts anywhere where people can be “watched” at all times. This leaves Orwell in the shadows.
The bottom line apparently is that the arrogance, greed, contempt, of the rich for the poor has brought about a situation that only now, at the start of the greatest monetary depression of all time, people from every extraction are being forced by the ruthless master, money, to take heed of what is happening . Human nature being what it is,the finger will be pointed at immigrants, aided by the rich, anything for an “out”.
All this faintly reminiscent of a certain Adolf Hitler who seized such a occasion as nowto ignite the World.
I have little doubt it will happen again.
The English , over the last four decades, managed to have control taken from them by the Scottish people to the point where they control all pinnacles of power, however, while they are stuffing their bags full of loot in readiness to rush back North , knowing full well the English have stopped watching Coronation street and football… woken up rather late maybe and want them out, the situation does not end quite there, rather the reverse. Within the Capital and more emphatically in the periphery, Luton, Nottingham, Sheffield all such conurbations, Islam is deeply entrenched , but constrained, waiting for the moment for their multitudes to rise up, possibly as Gordon Brown hurriedly boards the last Express train 19.00 hrs Kings X to Edinburgh. Islam, in it's turn, swiftly overpowering the remnants of the plastic, plodding English, but finding itself confronted by knife wielding, vast hordes of underworld thugs of all calibrations, who have no interest, conception, understanding of politics, religion… morality. "Nothing". Their sole purpose, pursuit, is violence for violence sake, a vicious, unnatural, mindless breed of creatures, unknown to these Isle in it's long history. A quite unexpected creation for the virulent left. Nihilism in a extreme never visualized. In effect making all previous imaginative or otherwise horror scenarios as a "bed time story", something once told by parents to their children to lull them peacefully asleep, before such practices were banned politically by dark people in dark places , none so secretive, so obscure, so totally committed to the destruction of England as Jack Straw, the only keyholder to room 102. The politics of the left have broken England in every way, financially, physically, mentally, morally. The minions of the left, for whatever reason, have successfully conspired to bring all factors down to the lowest common denominator, with devastating results Their weapons were not obviously oppressive, a creeping paralysis of "free speech". Introduction of "Human Rights" and "Politically correct" procedures deviously brought in, with the emphasis being all one way… towards the endless flow of black people flooding into the country... The indigenous population incredibly accepted these dramatic changes, accepted that they were being watched, controlled by big brother night and day.. a strange resignation, despair? collapse, of a once proud people. Future historians will ask the same question that is being asked at this moment… Why ?
Incidentally I only ever read one book – with difficulty – as I never went to school. Covers decline and fall of 20th Century English society.